Saturday, 25 October 2014

Why are we letting vile paedophiles win and go free?

Why are we letting vile paedophiles win and go free?

Courtesy of the daily mirror - Alison Phillips says unfortunately it's a good week for paedophiles but a bad week for Britain

It’s lollipops all round for ­Britain’s paedophiles this week as the guy supposedly ­responsible for catching them admits many won’t be charged.
Keith Bristow, head of the National Crime Agency, expects that of the 50,000 Brits who have accessed vile pictures of kids being abused, it’s just “unrealistic” to bring them all to justice.
Quite how many he’ll be able to track down then drag through our slow and cumbersome justice system isn’t clear. Let us hope his officers can make it into double figures. Certainly Labour believe the “vast majority” will walk away scot free.
And it is a national scandal.
Because let’s remember, the whole point of internet abuse of kids is that it isn’t just images. It is reality. For every cyber image there is a real child somewhere being put through the very worst kind of hell.
But to bring an end to their misery. Well that, it emerges, is just “unrealistic”.
Some may argue Mr Bristow is right to concentrate his efforts chiefly on just “the most risky” offenders. But anyone who accesses this filth is a child abuser. They watch it. They fuel it. They make it happen.
And of course there is much evidence they are also likely to carry it out themselves on victims closer to hand.
And abuse of a child – either virtual or in reality – is never a brief thing, however quick it may appear on screen. It leads most
often to a lifetime of misery, self-destructive behaviour, broken ­relationships, crime and unemployability.
And in economic terms, with that comes a cost. So maybe the Government doesn’t want to pick up the tab for safeguarding these children from abuse now.
Well they’ll sure as hell be picking it up in future when the abused child ends up in care, unable to work, in poor health and with all the other almost inevitable social problems.

Perhaps Mr Bristow should be praised for a rare outbreak of honesty in a public figure. Certainly it is a direct challenge to the Home Office to sort out its priorities.
Yet the scandal seems to have been dismissed by Home Secretary Theresa May with a shoulder shrug while her cronies continue banging on about the EU.
There is no reason why every single one of the 50,000 people involved could not be actively pursued. If the Home Office wanted to. If the will, supported by funding, was there, these men (and they are largely men) would be tracked down and brought to justice. Yes, that would mean funding being redirected from other inquiries but show me a priority that you would put above the abuse of children?
Child pornography has become a modern plague spreading across the internet into homes around the globe. I still cannot understand why the service providers are unable to design better antidotes to this plague. Now I’m even more bewildered as to why we as a nation have given up on trying to stop its spread.
There is instead to be more emphasis on “preventative measures” to help young people becoming victims of these perverts.
So once again the onus lies with the victims to shape up and keep themselves out of trouble. And that’s fine. But
not enough.
Power is about priorities. About making choices.
And our Home Secretary has chosen for our police to allow these creeps to carry on abusing.
Like I said, good week for paedophiles. Bad week for Britain.

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