Monday, 17 November 2014

Ban Ki Moon enact internatinal legislation (law) that will deny diplomatic immunity to diplomats who abuse children

Ban Ki Moon enact international legislation (law) that will deny diplomatic immunity to diplomats who abuse children


Your Excellency Ban Ki Moon, please enact international legislation that will deny diplomat immunity to any diplomat who abuses a child.

My story
Between the ages of 6-12 I was sexually assaulted by a powerful diplomat at the European Union. It was made worse by the fact that my mother (a single woman) participated in this atrocity against me (and most probably other children) as part of an organised diplomatic paedophile ring. They used to host regular porn parties, swingers parties and orgies to satisfy their perverted sexual deviances and debauchery. I was unable to say anything because I was petrified of my mother and other adults around me. I was frequently molested and abused and threatened. I was beaten and psychologically abused by my mother to instill more fear in me so I would never speak of my nightmare. These monsters were so condifent because they were diplomats and knew they were above the law. The most that could happen to them would be that they would be deported. They preyed on the very vulnerable, either children, teenagers, desperately poor women or domestic servants of diplomats. I am very sure if I had said anything I would not be alive today. The man who abused me viciously and longer threatened to kill me had attemped to kill his very young wife after years of raping her too. His own daughter later killed herself after he raped her well into her mid-20s. I was also left alone whilst my mother travelled abroad for days, a whole week and one time for 2 weeks. This has caused me to have extreme anxiety and PTSD symptoms all my life because I lived in fear every minute 24/7 from childhood up to the age of 18. Death was always on the horizon because I always feared I would be killed if anyone was a threat or I would commit suicide because I couldn't take the emotional pain anymore! The police and social services did turn up at our house several times over the years for several reasons. However they left as soon as they found out my mother was a diplomat. As young as I was I knew what that meant and therefore never dared say anything because I knew the police and social services wouldn't do anything. Over the years I have had breakdowns and spoken to people who I thought were "safe" but they always told my mother, not knowing she was such a monster. After I realised I couldn't trust anyone anymore and they put me in danger I decided to just keep quiet and concentrate on healing and therapy. I am at the stage that I know I can't go back to my old self feeling shame and blocking my ordeal like it didn't happen. I am older and need to share my story to stop diplomats abusing children or at least give the courage for others to tell someone and get help.

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